February 19, 2009

Hello, Dear Reader!

I need to make a clarification regarding our current giveaway. I'm afraid I did not make myself clear yesterday when describing the beans. Both the Vita and the Dolce are an Espresso roast, and both make delicious drip coffee. If you prefer straight shots, Vivace recommends Dolce. Vita is what they use for their shots poured into lattes and cappuccinos.

At our house we like to get one bag of each and blend them for our drip. But here are the descriptions of the beans, so you can pick the one that's right for you!

"Espresso Vita
Blended to feature a very heavy body, especially suited for Caffe Latte and Cappuccino. The blend is dominated by a rich note of caramel. It is our "house blend" we serve at Espresso Vivace.

Espresso Dolce
Created around the ideal of balance. A light and playful coffee with a sweet finish, Dolce is best enjoyed as pure espresso, and will offer the coffee gourmand pleasant surprises as different flavors compete for the palate. Espresso Dolce is also available as a green blend for roasting at home or in your shop.

For a more in-depth description please check out the Espresso Vivace coffee blends link.

Already entered and want to change your mind? If you are the winner you can change your pick, easy peasy.


LissaL said...

Sign me up for the Vita!

LissaL said...

I've been following you from the get go! I just need to come up with some better questions!

37 Questions said...

Hey Lissa!

You need to leave your comments on this post:


to have them count. Scoot on over, quick!

37 Questions said...

Whoops, great minds think alike - I see that you just posted comments on that post. Cool beans! (Get it? Beans? Har-dee-har-har.)